DIY Hair Mask for DRY, DAMAGED and FRIZZY Hair


Hair masks have become a staple part of my beauty routine, and more so after i experimented like a psycho with colours this last year-honestly i don’t know what i was thinking with the amount i exposed my hair to-im so sorry hair 😦 don’t leave. 

It was only since then and since seeing the damage i had done to my hair that i took a real interest in hair products that promised to recondition and spoil your hair with all that goodness. Truth be told 8/10 times i was left disappointed and frustrated with the lack of improvement in my hair, and yes i did give these products time to work but you also pretty much know from the first couple of uses if a hair product is going to be of any real benefit. 

So fast forward a few months of splurging out on hair conditioners and products i decided to go back to basics and take some good old advice from my elders more so my grandmother who since i can remember has always told me once a week to massage my scalp with almond oil. Mainly because she doesn’t actually like my hair and makes no secret of it, she can’t understand why her granddaughter has tangled hair every single day, what she calls tangled is what most of the world calls curls 😦 but hey i guess i wasn’t meant to have long silky straight hair. After a lot of experimenting much to the annoyance of my dear mother who is always having to clean up after me and my experiments in the kitchen i managed to figure out a nice easy cocktail of oils that from first use make a huge difference to the condition and look of your hair. Now i have very dry coarse hair like most curly haired girls so this treatment is fine for me to use once a week however for those of you with finer hair it may be a little too heavy as i mentioned in my winter post about beauty. So do change up the measurements according to your own needs.


Lets get cooking shall we!

You will need:(totally feel like I’m on blue peter) 


4 table spoons roughly of Olive Oil– the greener the olive oil looks in the bottle the better i found some in the kitchen

1 large table spoon of Coconut oil– make sure it is pure coconut oil and hasn’t been mixed with vitamin e or other stuff, this type is normally found in hard white substance as can be seen from the pictures i have included 🙂


1 tablespoon of honey– ADD this ONLY if you have brown or light hair the honey contains small traces of hydrogen peroxide(BLEACH) which are obviously so small that they do not harm us when we spread it on our toast in the morning but over time will lighten your hair, on this occasion i did not use the honey only because i recently dyed my locks black so no thanks.

Right so basically all your doing is putting all that into a bowl, if you have a metal bowl it would be better simply because you want to be able to see and control the temperature of the oil so for this i like to put the mixture into a metal bowl and place it on the cooker on top of another safe kitchen tool. Normally i use a thava(haha) which is basically what us indians use to make rotis(naan/chappatis) on. But if you don’t have one of these grab a saucepan fill it will some water and place another smaller saucepan with the mixture in so it can slowly melt without catching on fire. This is one of the main reasons i dislike telling people to warm up this mixture in the microwave, because the olive oil is already in a liquid form and the coconut oil is not so in order for that to melt your taking a risk heating up the olive oil a lot longer then needs to be! Hope that makes sense?


(the thava) 

Feel free to also add drops of rosemary or any other nice smelling oil you may like, i do this every week so the smell of the coconut oil and olive oil doesn’t bother me, and twice in a month what i will do is change the olive oil around with almond oil. I love using coconut oil because its one of the very few oils that can really penetrate into dry damaged hair follicles. 

So after the mixture has melted wait a while so its not super hot and well slap it on. I start at the scalp and massage my scalp to stimulate hair growth and natural hair oils, and then the rest i coat my hair with, throw your hair up in a bun and leave for a good 12-18 hours. I normally do this on a saturday night and wash off sunday night. 


Have a go and let me know what you think, also i would love to know any secret recipes you guys may have for hair and face 🙂


Lots of Love


K I N N I A H 
